First things first: Just because a medication is “prescription” doesn’t mean that it’s safe. Some pills are dangerous even when taken as prescribed, and if you start taking them on your own terms, all bets are off. If you have a coworker who seems off these days, they might be one of the millions of Americans who abuse prescription pills — and they might not even know that they have a problem. So, how can you tell that a coworker is addicted to prescription meds? If they are, what should you do? Transformations Care detox and rehab in Gardena, CA, shares three red flags that could mean your coworker is secretly struggling with addiction.
Prescription Pill Addiction Symptoms: Changes in Your Coworker’s Sleep Patterns
One of the easiest ways to spot a person abusing opioids or other prescription drugs such as Adderall is by noticing changes in their sleep patterns. Different prescription medications have different side effects, but if your coworker is always complaining about being tired — or even falling asleep at work — this could be a sign of opioid abuse. On the other hand, maybe your coworker is bragging about how they stayed up all night and they still seem as if they’re ready to run a marathon. One of the side effects of amphetamine abuse is having phases of extremely high energy and getting little to no sleep. Don’t take this kind of behavior lightly. It’s not normal, and it could be a sign of a bigger issue. Remember, if your coworker is using prescription medications, it’s not just their life that’s in danger: They’re also decreasing their production at your job and could even be putting a larger workload on you.
Prescription Pill Addiction Symptoms: Changes in Physical & Mental Health
Does your coworker have dark circles under their eyes, sudden changes in weight, or dialated eyes? Are they starting to look like one of the long-lost members of Nirvana? If your coworker seems to have forgotten basic hygiene norms or is changing into a shadow of themselves, it could be a sign they are struggling with addiction.
Changes in mental health are also a huge red flag that your coworker may secretly be struggling with prescription drug abuse. Extreme mood swings are a classic sign that your coworker may be having withdrawals. It’s not just about having a bad day. When an addict’s “fix” wears off, they can begin to get irritable or aggressive because of literal chemical changes in the body. Maybe when they return from the bathroom, they all of a sudden seem to be thriving? New flash: They’re not. Don’t let this kind of behavior fool you because withdrawals are a serious health danger and could even take your coworker’s life. Dependency on opioids and other prescription drugs is a deadly illness that needs to be treated professionally. At Transformations Care, we will safely detox your coworker in a comforting environment, while also treating the years of trauma that could be fueling their addiction. Give us a call today to learn more about opioid abuse and how you can help your coworker.
Prescription Pill Addiction Symptoms: Signs of Pill Addiction
This one’s pretty obvious. If you overhear your coworker talking about how much they really NEED their prescription drug, it’s a good sign there’s a problem. It’s not normal to say, “I really need a Xanny,” at work. Or, “I ran out of Adderall last night and now I’m never going to finish this report.” If they go so far as to offer you meds, that could be a sign of a problem, too.
One last tip: Are you starting to notice signs of withdrawals in your coworker, such as sweating or shakes? You may notice them starting to get desperate to get their fix again, even if they don’t have any on them. Worse, it’s a definite red flag if they start “borrowing” prescription meds from other people at work. Maybe you’ve overheard them asking another coworker for an anxiety medication or ADHD medication because they “forgot theirs at home.” It’s more likely they’re asking another person to give them scripts because they already blew through their stash. For more information on withdrawal signs, give us a call today or check out our blog post HERE.
If someone you know is abusing prescription drugs — whether they’re legally prescribed or not — it could kill them. It may be hard to approach your coworker about their problem, but just start by having a simple conversation and ask them how they are. By you showing you care, it may be the nudge they need to seek addiction treatment. At Transformations Care, we treat addiction and the underlying mental health disorders causing it. Keep in mind that addiction isn’t some lifestyle that your coworker decided upon. Addiction is a disease and to treat that disease, they may even need to take time off of work to fully heal.
Give our admissions team a call today! We will help your coworker understand their rights when it comes to seeking addiction treatment — and how they can keep their job while getting clean. Check out our guide HERE, or give us a call today at 424.339.0965 to find out about ways you can help your coworker start their path to recovery.
Getting Clean & Sober at Home
Today, more than 75% of hospitals and healthcare providers offer access to telehealth treatment, with 29 states having gone so far as to enact telehealth parity laws, which force insurance companies to reimburse patients for telehealth at the same rates as they would for in-person treatment.
If you’ve been thinking about getting clean and sober, or if you’ve been wanting to work on and strengthen the recovery you already have, it’s never been easier to do it through telehealth.
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