Outpatient Vs. Inpatient Rehab


Is Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab Right For You?

When it comes to drug and alcohol rehab, there are two main types of programs: outpatient and inpatient, with some designations therein as well. Both have their own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to understand the difference between the two before making a decision about which type of program is right for you. 

We always suggest consulting a doctor or treatment facility before making any decisions on what exactly you may need. This should be a conversation between you and medical professionals, with their guidance, as that’s just what they are— professionals.  

In this article, we will explore the key differences between outpatient and inpatient rehab programs. We’ll also provide some insight into what to look for when choosing a program, so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

First some notes on terms. Typically, treatment for addiction has three phases: Detox, rehabilitation, and then reintegration. Detox is a relatively short period where— generally under medical supervision— the patient will get over the worst of the withdrawal symptoms and be monitored for health issues. This is often around the clock care done in a treatment facility or hospital. 

Reintegration is where the patient learns to live in the outside world. 

What we’re generally talking about in this post is the second phase, rehabilitation. This is separate from the detoxification phase. 

Inpatient rehabilitation is a type of rehabilitation that takes place in a medical facility and is around the clock. Inpatient rehab is typically used for people who have a serious or debilitating addiction or have other circumstances that warrant around the clock help and monitoring. Inpatient rehab can last for a few days or weeks, and often includes therapy, mental health counseling, and other services.

In this phase, the patient learns tactics to stay sober, goes through group and individual therapy to deal with the myriad of issues surrounding addiction and what brought them there, as well as other mental health strategies. 

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

Outpatient rehab is a type of addiction treatment that allows patients to live at home (or more likely a sober living situation) and potentially continue working or going to school while receiving therapy. 

There are many different “levels” of treatment in this category. In descending order of intensity: Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, and Outpatient Program. 

In the Partial Hospitalization Program, Patients stay most of the day in a hospital or treatment facility, then go home, or more likely to a sober living situation. It’s close to being admitted around the clock, but the patients are technically staying elsewhere. 

In the Intensive Outpatient Program, patients are only required to visit the treatment facility for scheduled therapy sessions. Generally, they live in a sober living situation.  

In the Outpatient Program, the patient is kept connected to our program, provided with support and helped to reinforce all that they learned in the above programs. It is the least intensive of all the programs, and patients have usually gone through one or more of the above first. 

Outpatient rehab can be an effective option for people who are able to stay sober on their own but need structure and support to maintain their recovery. It can also be a good step down from inpatient treatment for people who have completed a residential program and are ready to transition back into everyday life.

Pros And Cons Of Each Type Of Rehab

Outpatient rehab has the advantage of being more affordable and allowing the patient to maintain some degree of normalcy in their day-to-day life. However, it can be less effective than inpatient rehab, as patients may be more likely to relapse if they are not in a highly structured and monitored environment.

Inpatient rehab is typically more expensive than outpatient rehab, but it can also be more effective, as patients are in a controlled environment where they can focus solely on their recovery. Inpatient rehab can also be beneficial for those who have a severe addiction or who have relapsed multiple times.

The bottom line is, whichever treatment program is for you should be in consultation with a medical professional. 

How To Get Inpatient Or Outpatient Rehab

One of the best ways is to give us at Transformations Care (424-339-0965) a call. We offer all of the levels of treatment mentioned above, and more. With us, we’re confident you can get sober and stay that way. We’re here to help. You don’t have to go this alone, and with the proper care and treatment you can once again live your life drug free. We have all the options you might desire. Call today for a consultation.